Early Learning Center


Muddy Fingers








Stuffed Animals

A rabbi reads a book to children.

A warm welcome from Rabbi Rachel Ackerman

Dear Temple Shalom ELC families, 

Welcome to the Temple Shalom Early Learning Center. As a congregation that values the active participation of young families in all aspects of congregational life, the ELC is an integral part of our community. Education at Temple Shalom is a partnership between the families and the school. We encourage parents, grandparents, and other adults to be active participants in our children’s learning. 

Our goal is to connect families to our rich Jewish heritage enabling them to make informed choices as they bring Judaism into their modern lives and to meet the needs of all our students in a safe, nurturing, and caring learning environment. Our creative and dynamic faculty introduces our children to aspects of holidays, rituals, prayers, Hebrew, Torah, life cycle, and Israel in immersive and developmentally appropriate ways. We embody the teaching of Proverbs, “Teach a child according to their way, for when they are old they will not depart from it.” And we ensure that non-Jewish children and families always feel welcomed and engaged.

We are dedicated to fostering a strong sense of community and a commitment to lifelong Jewish learning in a diverse, inclusive, and vibrant setting. Our core values are stated in Talmud, “…on three things does the world stand: Torah, worship, and deeds of loving kindness.” These values resound throughout our halls as children sing Modeh Ani each morning (prayer of gratitude for a new day), making care packages for a friend that has had surgery, delivering birthday treats to Temple staff, collecting diapers and supplies for families struggling in our area, and celebrating Shabbat and Havdallah every week with such ruach (spirit) it can’t help but bring a smile to anyone in the building.

Our Early Learning Center also offers families with young children:

  • Jewish family education with time to share together with our families and time for parents to learn at an adult level
  • A vibrant and engaging music program both in the ELC and throughout the synagogue Tot Shabbats, potluck Shabbat dinners, and family holiday services
  • Holiday celebrations including: a Purim carnival, Family Megillah (Book of Esther) reading, Chanukah programs, and Sukkah building
  • Participation in Kids’ Time (infant-toddler/adult learning program) on Sunday Mornings (open to members and non-members) Pre-k religious school on Sunday mornings (available to members)
  • The gift of membership: a year of free membership where your family can join the synagogue with no dues commitment and full membership benefits (including an ELC tuition discount) to see if our community is right for your family

I look forward to you joining our school and congregational family. Please reach out with questions or just to find some time to meet. I would love to get to know you and your family. 

L’Shalom (In Peace),

Rabbi Rachel Ackerman

Our school philosophy

Torah Lishmah v’ L’dor v’dor — Fostering a love of learning, both Jewish and secular, that is handed down from generation to generation.

Kehillah Kedosha v’ Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh la-Zeh — Building a supportive, sacred community where we take care of one another.

Kavod — Respecting others and meeting them where they are.

A Home away

from home

Based on the Reggio-Emilia approach, our school is a welcoming, inclusive and nurturing environment where we give children endless ways and opportunities to express themselves.

At TSELC, we believe that children are active participants in their own learning. Learning is an active process with different interactions and dialogue. That's why at our school, children of all backgrounds, faiths, and abilities, are invited to explore, play, and create within small groups.

What does it mean to be Reggio-Emilia? Learn more via this New York Times article.

Three children use marbles to paint a picture in a box.
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